When was the viking age and how it effect to the world history

The Viking Age was a period of great significance in European history, marked by the expansion of Scandinavian peoples throughout much of Europe and beyond. From the late 8th century to the mid-11th century, the Vikings made their mark on the world through their seafaring prowess, their military campaigns, and their cultural and artistic contributions. In this article, we will explore when the Viking Age took place, how it affected world history, and its enduring significance to this day.

When was the Viking Age?

The Viking Age is typically defined as the period from the late 8th century to the mid-11th century. During this time, the Vikings, who hailed from modern-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, expanded their influence across Europe, Asia, and North America. The exact dates of the Viking Age are somewhat arbitrary, but they are generally agreed to be between 793 AD, the year of the first recorded Viking raid on the monastery of Lindisfarne in England, and 1066 AD, the year of the Norman Conquest of England.

During the Viking Age, the Vikings were known for their seafaring prowess, which allowed them to navigate the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic and beyond. They built longships, which were fast, maneuverable, and capable of carrying large numbers of warriors and supplies. With these ships, the Vikings were able to establish colonies in Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland (modern-day Newfoundland) and engage in trade and exploration across Europe and Asia.

How did the Viking Age affect world’s history?

The Viking Age had a profound impact on world history, both in Europe and beyond. The Vikings’ expansion and exploration led to the establishment of new trade routes and the spread of new ideas and technologies. They established colonies and trading posts across much of Europe, including in Russia and the Mediterranean, and their influence can still be seen in the development of many modern-day cities.

The Vikings were also renowned for their military prowess and their use of unconventional tactics in battle. They raided and pillaged many towns and monasteries across Europe, but they also engaged in defensive warfare to protect their homes and communities. The Vikings’ reputation as fierce and ruthless warriors has become a part of their legacy, although it is worth noting that they were also skilled traders and craftsmen.

The Vikings’ cultural and artistic contributions are also significant. They had their own religion and mythology, which included gods like Odin, Thor, and Freyja, and they developed a rich artistic tradition that included metalwork, woodcarving, and storytelling. The Vikings’ legacy can be seen in modern-day Scandinavian countries, which continue to draw inspiration from their ancestors’ cultural heritage.

Vikings – the first people to find Americas

While the Viking Age was primarily characterized by their raids, exploration, and colonization throughout Europe, the Vikings are also credited with being the first people to find and establish a settlement in North America, nearly 500 years before Christopher Columbus.

In the year 1000, a Viking explorer named Leif Erikson is said to have sailed from Greenland to what is now known as Newfoundland, Canada. There, he established a settlement called Vinland, which is believed to have been located in present-day L’Anse aux Meadows. The Vikings established at least one more settlement in the area, but it is unclear how long they lasted or why they eventually abandoned them.

The discovery of the Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows in the 1960s confirmed the long-standing theory that the Vikings had reached North America before any other European explorers. This discovery also shed light on the Vikings’ exceptional seafaring abilities, as they had to navigate the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic to reach North America.

Despite the Vikings’ discovery of North America, their settlements did not have a lasting impact on the continent’s history or development. It was not until the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 that the “New World” was truly discovered and colonized by Europeans.

Nevertheless, the Vikings’ early exploration and settlement in North America is a remarkable achievement, and it demonstrates their exceptional seafaring and navigational abilities. It also highlights their curiosity and adventurous spirit, which drove them to explore new lands and expand their influence beyond their Scandinavian homelands.

The rich subculture

The Vikings had a rich and diverse culture that encompassed many aspects of life, from religion and mythology to art and literature.

Religion played a central role in Viking culture, with the belief in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who governed different aspects of life. The most well-known of these gods were Odin, Thor, and Freya, each of whom represented different traits and ideals. The Vikings also believed in an afterlife, where they could continue to live and fight alongside their gods.

Viking art was also a significant part of their culture, with intricate metalwork, wood carvings, and jewelry being some of the most notable examples. Their art often incorporated complex knotwork, animal motifs, and other intricate designs, reflecting their connection to nature and the spiritual realm.

The Vikings also had a rich tradition of literature, with epic sagas and tales passed down orally from generation to generation. These stories often depicted heroic warriors and gods, as well as everyday life in Viking society. The most famous of these sagas include the Saga of the Icelanders and the Saga of the Greenlanders.

In addition to their art and literature, the Vikings also had a strong tradition of music and dance. Many of their songs and dances were performed at feasts and festivals, often accompanied by instruments such as the lyre, harp, and flute.

The richness and diversity of Viking culture reflect the complex and dynamic society they created. From their beliefs and mythology to their art and literature, the Vikings left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and captivate people today.

Viking's detailed Accessories


The End of the Viking Age:

By the mid-11th century, the Viking Age was coming to an end. One of the factors that contributed to the decline of the Vikings’ influence was the spread of Christianity throughout Scandinavia. As more and more Scandinavians converted to Christianity, their traditional religious practices and beliefs were replaced by those of the Christian faith, which led to a decline in Viking raids and military campaigns.

Another factor that contributed to the end of the Viking Age was the increasing political centralization and consolidation of power in Scandinavia. As the various Viking kingdoms and chieftaincies began to merge into larger and more powerful states, the need for Viking raids and military campaigns diminished.

Despite the end of the Viking Age, the Vikings’ legacy continued to shape the world in a number of ways. Their seafaring expertise, for example, contributed to the development of new trade routes and the establishment of new colonies and trading posts across Europe and beyond. Their military tactics and reputation as fierce warriors also left a lasting impression on European history, and their cultural and artistic contributions continue to inspire artists and scholars to this day.

The mark can’t be erased

In conclusion, the Viking Age was a transformative period in European and world history that left a lasting impact on the world. From their seafaring prowess and military campaigns to their cultural and artistic contributions, the Vikings’ legacy can still be seen today in many aspects of European culture and society. While the Viking Age may have come to an end, its impact on the world will be felt for centuries to come, making it an important period to study and understand.

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